“Get out the vote” Sappi button contest

New Direction

Sappi paper company recently hosted the “Get out the vote” button contest on 24-7designheaven.com. The task; create a button that screams, “get out and vote!” I threw two designs together then proceeded to upload both, as the first 100 designers received a free iTunes gift card. I quickly discovered that only one entry would be accepted per designer. “Drats!” I exclaimed as I had uploaded my least favorite of the two (seen above). Still, my iTunes gift card arrived shortly thereafter, and I began downloading feverishly.

I just received word today from Sappi, stating that my design “had been selected from hundreds of entries to potentially be featured on Sappi’s display booth throughout the fall season”. Really, you’re joking?! was my first thought. Pretty cool considering it wasn’t my favorite of the two designs. I was thrilled just to expand my music collection. But the email clearly states “potentially featured” so as for now my feet are firmly planted on the ground. I will update if it makes it through the final selection process.

Disclaimer: For the record, it was NOT my intention to endorse one party over the other. After reading the instruction to the contest, I simply wanted to create a “generic” button that speaks to the issue of voting. Whether you vote Republican, Democrat, Libertarian, Green or Marijuana party (yes, there actually is a marijuana party) you are voting for a “new direction” which is why I titled it such.

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